Beautiful pics of Geri Halliwell and Jenny Taft feet legs

Geri Haliwell (born in England) is a pop star, clothes designer author and actress. Ginger Spice, a Spice Girls girl who was a part of the Spice Girls girl group that became the world's best selling girl group in the 1990s. She is a multifaceted person who has worked as a night club dancer a TV presenter and a glamorous model. At the age of 15 she joined Virgin Records and became part of the Spice Girl girl group. The group released Wannabe, an album that focused on women's empowerment. The song was a huge hit and reached the top of charts across the world. Spice was their first album and it became an international smash hit. Over 23 million albums have been sold across the globe and it is among the biggest albums to be released in time. Halliwell quit the group in order to start her own career as a solo artist. She launched it by releasing "Look at Me". The track received a positive review from critics. The album's debut Schizophonic was also a modest successful. The work of Halliwell isn't limited to music. She became the Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Population Fund in 1999.

Jenny Taft is an American sports television personality who moderates the sports talk show "Skip as well as Shannon Undisputed' on Fox Sports 1. Tafts initial passion for sports was a result of her upbringing of sporting people. While she competed in different sports in school and university, Taft decided to pursue a career as a journalist. Taft's professional career started at Fox Sports North in the role of a sideline journalist as well as a regional affiliate following her graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University. Alongside covering sports, she was also an social media journalist and was host for numerous games. Within a short time, Fox Sports 1 hired Taft as a reporter in the News and Highlights department. Under FS1 Taft reported on numerous prestigious championships and reported her findings on the ground. Then she worked as a football sideline journalist and became the leader for college-level reporting alongside Gus Johnson. In 2018, she was well-known after being she was asked to become the moderator on the hit TV Show Skip and Shannon Undisputed. She still is the moderator today. She also hosts her own show CFB: Inside Slant, and was the pit reporter in the Discovery series Battlebots.

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